Welcome Amelia Sue Countryman Walsh

Amelia Sue was born on Wednesday, July 22nd, just before 7pm. She weighed 7 pounds, 16 ounces (sic), and was 20 inches long, for the dimensionally inquisitive. There were no complications for Jeri or Amelia. Pictures can be found here.

I'll have to write-up the labor and birthing experience when I get a chance. For those that don't know how it works, basically one human comes OUT OF another human. It is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I'd always given Jeri a lot of respect, because I'm pretty sure she can kick my butt, but after seeing that, I'm certain of it. Huge thanks to Andrea, both for the pre-natal yoga for Jeri, and the help in labor and birthing. Also, the entire staff, nurses and doctors, at CPMC were fantastic.

Right now we're adjusting to life with a micro-human. Her schedule is Eat, Sleep, Poop, though not necessarily in that order. Sometimes all three at once. Her "day" is roughly 3 hours long, so she gets about 8 days in for each of ours. We're adjusting to the odd sleep schedule, and so far we're managing with help from our dear friend Nancy.


  1. How about another bath this week? I would love to come visit tomorrow. How much does she weigh now?

  2. Can't wait for the next update. This is hilarious.


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